Omega 3 Benefits For Kids

Omega 3 Benefits For Kids

I have always believed in living a healthy lifestyle. To me, that means staying active, eating well, taking supplements, and getting time to decompress. All of these things become even more important when you are under stress. Because of the pandemic, we all seem to be experiencing more uncertainty and stress than normal. Even kids are having to cope with the challenges of a whole new and ever changing back to school season. That is why I am happy to partner with OmegaBrite to share the health benefits of Omega-3 for the entire family. In particular, this article will focus on omega 3 benefits for kids.

I think we all know this intuitively, but the National Insititue of Mental Health makes it official, “Over time, continued strain on your body from stress may contribute to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses, including mental disorders such as depression or anxiety.” During periods of stress, we need to really prioritize our self care routines to help counteract the negative effects of stress. As parents we need to help our children learn to do this too.

The omega 3 benefits for kids that I was most familiar with was that they are good for brain health. It turns out that they also have tremendous health benefits all across the board from cardiac, brain health, to our joints, as well as to managing stress. Our bodies can not make Omega 3s so we must get them in our diet. However, most diets these days are pretty low in the major sources for omega 3 (like flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines). That is why a good Omega 3 supplement, like OmegaBrite 70/10 MD, is so important.

What sets OmegaBrite apart from other Omega 3 supplements? What is the best omega 3 for kids?

OmegaBrite 70/10 MD is a clinically proven, premium pharmaceutical-quality, high concentrate Omega-3 supplement. OmegaBrite 70/10 MD Omega-3 goes through advanced distillation and nitrogen blanketing for highest purity and protection from oxidation. I always notice that better products offer better results and I am a big believer in OmegaBrite 70/10 MD. I take it and so do my kids.

There have been many studies that show the positive effects of Omega 3s on health.

I was recently listening to the Distraction podcast where Dr. Carol Locke was being interviewed. Harvard Medical School trained and previously on Harvard Medical School faculty for 14 years, she is a Board-Certified Psychiatrist and internationally recognized expert on Omega-3’s and integrative wellness. She is also the founder of OmegaBrite Wellness which for 20 years has delivered premium pharmaceutical-quality products backed by published, transparent third-party test results.

On the podcast, Dr. Locke was discussing some of the latest research on Omega 3 and talking about how it is a great way to help kids with the new back to school. This is particularly true this year because one of the effects of stress is impaired executive function. As points out, “Trouble with executive function can make it hard to focus, follow directions, and handle emotions, among other things.” Obviously, this is an impediment to learning and general ability to function at our best.

Dr. Locke mentioned a 12 week study on 95 children ages 7-17 that showed decreased impairment in executive function was associated with OmegaBrite Omega 3 supplementation in youth with mood disorders.  She shared that, “The parents in that study said that their kids had less distractibility, more ability to plan for and problem solve stressful situations, as well as less dysphoric mood irritability and improved self-esteem.” Now that is pretty impressive!

How much omega 3 for kids is recommended?

For the study above, Ω3 supplements and placebo were provided by OmegaBrite. Ω3 capsules contained 500mg (350mg EPA: 50mg DHA; 67mg other Ω3), with two capsules taken twice daily.  So that is a total of 4 capsules of OmegaBrite 70/10 MD per day. Kids should start with 1 a day and work their way up to 4 a day if needed.  It is recommended to consult with a trusted healthcare professional before starting your child on supplements.

Want to try OmegaBrite 70/10 MD Omega-3 for yourself? Use discount code FamilyFocus2020 to get 20% off the first order (cannot be combined with other offers). Find out more and/or place your order at OmegaBrite

Testimonials from parents specifically on OmegaBrite 70/10 MD and their children:

“My son has been taking Omegabrite for about a year and he says there is significant improvement in his ability to stay focused in class, therefore his grades have gotten better!! Thank You!!”

“My son’s teacher recommended, so we both started taking about two weeks ago. I feel like I have more energy and less joint pain and my [son] is better able to focus. So, we’re going to stay on them. Thanks!”

“Saw a difference in my 7 year old son right away. He’s calmer, more focused and happier. The best is there are no complaints this year from his 2nd grade teacher. We’re off to a wonderful start! Thanks, OmegaBrite!”

I hope you find that Omega 3 is a useful tool to helping keep your family living a healthy lifestyle. Have you noticed any omega 3 benefits for kids? Let us know what you think @familyfocusblog @omegabrite!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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