4-7-8 Breathing For Sleep: A Teacher's Guide To This Relaxing Technique

4-7-8 Breathing For Sleep: A Teacher's Guide To This Relaxing Technique

4-7-8 Breathing: A How-To Guide To This Relaxing Technique
Breathwork is an active form of meditation that allows us to disconnect from the mind and be guided by our body and heart.
When we engage in conscious breathing, we activate our parasympathetic nervous system and flood the body with oxygen, presence, and peace while releasing worry, stress, limiting beliefs, and energy that does not serve us. There are many types of breathwork techniques . Each has a unique purpose and creates a different effect.
Today, I'm sharing my favorite breathwork techniques to use when I'm feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or triggered, or just want to get a great night's sleep. It's called Relaxing Breath from Andrew Weil, M.D., also known as 4-7-8 breathing.
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In a culture where we saturate the mind and body with external stimulation, this is a powerful lesson! In pushing us to create space between our inhales and exhales, it can also train us to take a moment to pause after being triggered instead of impulsively reacting. Finally, it shows us how to release excess energy and negative thought.
3. It can be done anytime, anywhere.
While it can sometimes difficult to drop into meditation , a breathwork technique like this can be done on demand. Try it out the next time you are stressed, feel emotional or unsettled, or have trouble falling asleep.
Here is a guide to getting started with the basic 4-7-8 breath:
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
Rest the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Your tongue will be right behind your top front teeth. (Note: It can take a bit of practice to keep your tongue from moving. If you notice this happening, just continue to adjust and breathe.)
Completely empty the lungs of air. Then, breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale out of the mouth for 8 seconds.
Repeat at least four times. You can set a timer for 1 to 2 minutes to start and gradually build to 5 minutes.
How to take it up a notch:
I also like to add an element of visualization and intention setting to this 4-7-8 breath.
As I inhale over the count of 4 seconds, I imagine the grounded and nourishing energy of the earth, mountains, trees, plants, coming up into my body. As I hold my breath for 7 seconds, I visualize that energy spiraling up the center of my body (through the seven energetic chakras ) and extracting any energy or thought that does not serve me.
Then, as I exhale over 8 seconds, I imagine that excess energy releasing out of the mouth and visualize light pouring through the top of my head back down to my feet and the earth below me. 
Side effects:
Any time you get started with a new breathing technique, it might cause you to feel slightly lightheaded. If this happens, feel free to take a break and breathe as normal until you're comfortable starting up again.
Tips for falling asleep:
Breathwork, particularly the 4-7-8 breath, can be wonderful to do before bed to help the body and mind unwind from the day. As I discuss in my mbg class, The Ultimate Guide To Breathwork , this is a great technique to use if you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep or have a tendency to get overwhelmed at night.
Try it sitting up in bed as you're winding down for sleep, imagining that you are releasing the stress of the day with each 8-second exhale. It should get you in a great headspace for sleep, but you can also follow it up with another relaxing nightly ritual like journaling, reading a physical book, or smelling calming essential oils.
The bottom line:
Think of the breath as the inherent healer and guide inside of you. It is your connection to universal energy force, life force, prana, chi. Your breath is your primary relationship with being alive, and it has the power to support you as much as you are willing to have a relationship with it.
The Ultimate Guide to Breathwork

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