Agenda - Food as Medicine Summit

Agenda - Food as Medicine Summit

Chair’s Opening Remarks & Setting the Scene
Mollie Van Lieu, Vice President, Nutrition and Health, International Fresh Produce Association
9:10AM CT
Keynote Presentation – Food as Medicine: Past, Present & Future
Join our keynote speaker for an exploration of the evidence, research, drivers and importance of the Food as Medicine movement, an examination at the landmark changes both past and on the horizon, and a look to the future of the healthcare and the F&B industries.
Dariush Mozaffarian, Dean, Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
9:45AM CT
Keynote Panel Discussion with Open Q&A – What Are The Biggest Obstacles in Food as Medicine Today?
Over recent years, Food as Medicine has moved from a fringe idea to a reputable movement solidifying itself within healthcare and the F&B industry. But with each year that passes, it is becoming ever more clear that mutually beneficial partnerships between key stakeholders and sectors are essential for Food as Medicine to continue on its journey. Join some of the movement’s leading visionaries to explore the who’s, what’s, whens, wheres and whys of the healthcare, hunger, public health, and F&B shake-up needed to propel Food as Medicine into the mainstream.
Do we need a universal, accepted definition of Food as Medicine? Are there some key elements that generally hold true?
What are we trying to achieve with Food as Medicine, and how will we know if we have been successful?
Given that vision of success, in your opinion, what is the single biggest obstacle to Food as Medicine achieving that vision? How can the food, healthcare, hunger, public health, and other systems play a role in addressing this?  
How is regulation currently limiting or facilitating Food as Medicine, and what changes might you want to see to further the movement?
With many Food as Medicine approaches currently aimed at the “health-conscious”, how do we make sure that all people at different ages and income levels have the food they need to be their healthiest self?
How can we make Food as Medicine more accessible to everyone? How do we amplify its importance to consumers, producers, distributors, regulators, and prescribers?”
Dariush Mozaffarian, Dean, Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Jessica Donze Black, National Vice President, Community Health, American Heart Association
Lauren Shweder Biel, Executive Director, DC Greens
Sherry Zhang, Founder and CEO, Genopalate 
Antonio Tataranni, CMO, PepsiCo
Presentation – Food as Medicine to Improve Health Equity and Prevent Chronic Disease
Karen Mancera-Cuevas, Deputy Director, Health Promotion, Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)   
12:15PM CT
Panel Discussion with Open Q&A: What Are The Different Approaches and Trends in Food as Medicine, Nutrition, Health & Wellness?
Join this discussion to hear from the biggest and fast-growing perspectives in the field of nutrition, health and wellness, and what common truths and key differences each of these approaches share.
What are the leading approaches and trends defining Food as Medicine and the Health & Wellness space?
How have these approaches developed over the last few years and how are these set to develop in the future?
Are there any generalizations that ring true across all these approaches?
Can these approaches be used together and how can health and wellness advocates collaborate?
How can we raise awareness of these approaches to improve overall health?
Annalouise O’Connor, Director, Nutrition Science, Danone
Erin Pellegrin, Nutrition Manager and Culinary Nutritionist, Unite for HER
Amy Lazarus Yaroch, Executive Director, Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition
Mette Dhyrberg, Founder & CEO, Mymee
Christina Khoo, Director, Emerging Science, Nutr & Reg Affairs, Ocean Spray Cranberries
1:00PM CT
Moving the Needle for Food as Medicine
2:00PM CT
Presentation – Value of Home Delivery of Healthy Meals in Disease Intervention
Lindsey Kane, VP, Nutrition & Wellbeing, Sunbasket
2:25PM CT
Presentation – Bringing Food as Medicine To Breast and Ovarian Cancer Patients Nationwide
Discuss how Unite for HER are bringing food as medicine to support, help and empower ovarian and breast cancer patients before, during, and after their cancer diagnosis,
Explore how Unite for HER are overcoming the barriers to healthy eating, including tackling education, access and racial health disparities, and their recent move and partnerships to serve patients nationwide
An insight into the qualitative data and research supporting the benefit of these programs for quality of life and survival 
Sue Weldon, Founder and CEO, Unite for HER
Erin Pellegrin, Nutrition Manager and Culinary Nutritionist, Unite for HER
2:50PM CT
Panel Discussion with Open Q&A – Lessons Learned from Real World Examples – How Has Food as Medicine Impacted Your Organization?
Thanks to the hard work and efforts of early adopters of Food as Medicine, there are now a handful of trailblazing organizations leading the way for the rest of the world to follow.  This is your chance to pose your questions to the seasoned professionals, to learn from their journeys and the challenges they’ve faced along the way.
What does Food as Medicine mean within your organization, and how has it evolved from its inception?
When and why did your organization decide to join this journey?
What has been the single biggest challenge in integrating Food as Medicine and how did you overcome this?
What key metrics and milestones are you using to measure success? Overall, has Food as Medicine been ‘successful’? 
In one sentence, what advice would you offer to those looking to move towards Food as Medicine approaches within their organizations?
Moderated by: Samantha Pillion, Digital Product Manager, Anthem
Brian Schroeder, Founder & CEO, Preventia Group
Angela Kalousek Ebrahimi, Senior Director, Lifestyle Medicine, Blue Shield of California
Lindsay Hanson, Vice President, Head of Behavioral Insurance, Global Strategy and Delivery, John Hancock
3:35PM CT
Afternoon Refreshments & Networking
4:05PM CT
Presentation – Food as Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes Treatment: Findings from an Expert Consensus Statement (ECS) on Dietary Interventions for Type 2 Diabetes Remission from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Background on methodology of ECS and gaps it fills
Defining remission of T2D
Dietary patterns and components most helpful in achieving remission
John Kelly, President, Oak Haven Lifestyle Medicine
Micaela Karlsen, Senior Director of Research, The American College of Lifestyle Medicine
4:30PM CT
Presentation – Building a Food as Medicine Community
Elizabeth Suvedi, Culinary Medicine Manager, Spectrum Health
4:55PM CT
Panel Discussion with Open Q&A – The Million-Dollar Question: Where Does the Opportunity Lie for F&B and Healthcare, and What Do You Need to See In Order to Engage with Food as Medicine?
With a growing awareness of the benefits of Food as Medicine, personalized nutrition and culinary medicine, it is no wonder F&B, retail grocery, and healthcare titans are starting to take notice of this emerging opportunity. However, serious challenges stand in the way of these organizations taking the leap… join leading thinkers from big brands, health tech, payers, investors and providers to explore the scientific, social and commercial opportunities that Food as Medicine offers, and the obstacles standing in their way.
How does your organization view and define Food as Medicine, and which areas of the movement are most ripe for involvement, investment and coverage?
In your opinion, how could Food as Medicine provide an opportunity for your organization, and what would be the biggest obstacles and challenges?
What key evidence would you need to see in order to engage, or further engage with, Food as Medicine? How can clinical trials and studies begin to prove the value of Food as Medicine? Where can technology play a role?
What would an ideal partnership or collaboration in this space look like for you and what is currently stopping you pulling the trigger on these?
Finally, how could your organization’s involvement benefit the wider Food as Medicine ecosystem?
Andrew Parkinson, Founder and CEO, Sifter SP, Inc.
Dave Milani, VP, Wellness Solutions, Sunbasket
Tristin Brisbois, Director, Advanced Personalization Ideation Center, Life Sciences, Global R&D, PepsiCo
A representative from KEEN Growth Capital
Kristen Reimers, Director, Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Conagra Brands
Sherry Zhang, Founder and CEO, Genopalate 
Reaching the Target Market
The morning of Day 2 is dedicated to exploring how to overcome the key obstacles standing in the way of reaching a target market. Whether it’s education or science communication, behavior change or habit building, hear expert perspectives on the best strategies to impact consumer and patient health through Food as Medicine. 
9:05AM CT
Presentation – A Few Thoughts on Mainstreaming Food As Medicine Initiative
Hamed Faridi, Executive Director, McCormick Science Institute
9:25AM CT
Part 1 – Panel Discussion with Open Q&A – How Do We Convince Consumers of the Value of Food as Medicine?
Who are the key stakeholders who need to understand the value of Food as Medicine to progress the movement?
What do these terms mean to consumers?
What are the main reasons why people remain skeptical, and how can we manage the spread of misinformation and maintain  credibility?
How can we ensure that information is reaching the target market?
What are the key considerations when thinking about how to translate Food as Medicine in a way that resonates with consumers?
Hamed Faridi, Executive Director, McCormick Science Institute
Maria Delis, Dietitian and Nutrition Education Coordinator, Beyond Hunger
Caroline Carney, VP of Business Development, Good Measures
10:00AM CT
Part 2 – Panel Discussion with Open Q&A – How Can We Encourage Sustainable Behavior Change?
What are the main incentives that can be utilised to change consumer behaviour and adherence?
What are the biggest obstacles we are currently facing and how can we overcome these?
How can we take into account the other aspects of eating (emotional, mental, cultural, social) to increase our chance of success?
Is accountability the key to changing behaviour and building habits? 
What other tools can we use to encourage long-term adoption of Food as Medicine and how can we measure success?
Taylor Newman, Nutrition Program Development Manager, Kroger
Betsy Fore, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Tiny Organics
Emily Hochman, CEO & Founder, Wellory
Carmen Kaperick, Behavioral Health Clinical Program Manager, Omada Health
10:35AM CT
11:25AM CT
Presentation – Moving Upstream To Make Food as Medicine The Foundation of Health and Health Care
The power of Food as Medicine: Why is it medicine’s fastest growing field, and how does it help to achieve the quintuple aim?
Using Food as Medicine as an evidence-based therapeutic lifestyle intervention to treat and, at times, reverse chronic disease: Why is this so urgently needed in our country and beyond?
Filling the gaping void of Food as Medicine in medical education across the entire education continuum: Why is this essential to ushering in sustainable health and sustainable health care?
Using Food as Medicine in practice: How do we equip every healthcare provider with this powerful tool?
Susan Benigas, Executive Director, The American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Kayli Anderson, Lead Faculty, Food as Medicine Course, The American College of Lifestyle Medicine
11:50AM CT
Presentation – Putting Food as Medicine on the Map: How Can Different Programs Work Together
Christine Hamann, Director, Teaching Kitchen Collaborative
12:15PM CT
Panel Discussion with Open Q&A – How Can We Align & Collaborate Across the Movement to Achieve Collective Success?
Whether your target market is seniors, patients with chronic conditions, health conscious consumers or your everyday American, there are many common challenges that unite everyone working in Food as Medicine. Join the final discussion of the Food as Medicine Summit: Chicago to explore many different perspectives on these shared problems, and explore how, with a little collaboration, we can begin to grow and scale Food as Medicine on regional, national and international levels.
What are the key challenges in growing and scaling Food as Medicine interventions? 
Can Food as Medicine ever be brought to the masses?
Is there a divide within Food as Medicine and what will it take to resolve this? 
How can we prevent industry silos and ensure cross collaboration between key industry players?
Which stakeholders can make the most difference to the current state of Food as Medicine?
With so many major developments on the horizon, what can we expect to be discussing at the Food as Medicine Summit 2023?
Deanne Brandstetter, VP Nutrition & Wellness, Compass Group
Ellis Singer McCue, CEO, Territory Foods
Karissa Price, Vice President, Category Marketing, Food, Consumables, Health and Wellness, Walmart
Moderated by: Stacey Krawczyk, Vice President of Marketing & Operations, Preventia Group
1:00PM CT

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