12 Sustainable Clothing Brands to Shop This Spring

12 Sustainable Clothing Brands to Shop This Spring

Say hello to spring with vegan and vegan-friendly brands that are doing their part to combat the climate crisis. We’ve lined up a wardrobe full of water savers, organic material users, tree planters, and more. Get ready to “add to cart,” because here are the ultimate in sustainable clothing brands to shop this spring.

From their ethical production process to their use of sustainable materials (hello, hemp and organic cotton!) to their waterway litter-reduction efforts, United by Blue is on a mission to clean up our oceans. Their side hustle? Inspiring individuals to create less waste.

This WOC-owned sustainable clothing brand relies on recycled and sustainably farmed materials to produce comfortable, quality clothing designed for maximum eco-responsibility. In addition, they use recycled and compostable packaging for shipping.

Do you believe your personal actions can positively impact the planet? Then, swipe right! Jungmaven is the perfect match for you, as they provide sustainable styles relying on the earth-healing qualities of hemp.

Chemical-free from “seed to tee” is Pact’s claim to climate-loving fame. From supporting organic farms to offering the option to carbon offset your shipping, this sustainable clothing brand covers it all. They even have a Give Back Box, where you can donate your gently-loved styles to nonprofits.

Using limited-quantity, local production practices, Whimsy + Row chooses to work with low-impact materials such as organic cotton and linen, as well as deadstock and upcycled fabrics. We love their efforts to eliminate fabric waste by making scrunchies and bandanas with the scraps!

Are you a self-proclaimed minimalist working to create your perfect capsule wardrobe? Reduce your consumerist footprint with one of Vetta’s 5-piece collections designed to take you through an entire month’s worth of looks.

If regenerative farming, repurposed fabrics, and quality clothing that’s made to last are causes you can get behind, then do yourself and Mother Earth a favor by shopping the styles at Christy Dawn.

For every item you purchase from TenTree, they plant ten trees! Track your impact on their website by registering your tree code through their tree tracker. Save water, plant trees, and dress in comfortable, sustainable designs. We call that an Earth Month win!

One of our favorite sustainable clothing brands is Mott & Bow. Constructing high-quality, handcrafted denim meant to last is this brand’s answer to the destructive nature of today’s fast-fashion industry. Heads up, their men’s jeans are not vegan as they contain leather back patches.

A company that encourages you to buy from their used clothing collection? Absolutely! Patagonia knows where it’s at with their trade-in recycling program. Keep clothing out of the landfill, and earn or save money at the same time.

Another sustainable clothing brand with a garment recycling program is MATE the Label. They’ll use your old clothing, as well as other fabric cutting scraps, to construct new products. Clean, organic, plastic-free clothing is what this brand does best.

At Threads 4 Thought, the focus is on flipping the narrative within the fashion industry. The use of organic cotton and recycled fabrics, the highest industry certifications, and community give-back programs are just a few of the practices this brand is incorporating to promote sustainability and ethical fashion.

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