How To Juice Without A Juicer (It's So Easy!)

How To Juice Without A Juicer (It's So Easy!)

I had a blender for many years before I had a juicer and it’s the perfect tool to learn how to juice without a juicer! I know investing in a new kitchen appliance can be tough, especially if you are new to juicing, so I’m taking the opportunity to share this simple technique with you. This method works great for times when you don’t have access to a juicer or while traveling. I don’t know many people who travel with their juicers, those luggage fees are crazy and we need the extra room for shoes, right?! ???? 

If you’ve been following me, you know I try to juice at least 3-5 times a week and on a good week, twice a day! Just to recap… 

1. It’s really hard to get the amount of vegetables required by most experts (6-8 servings) in a typical day. I don’t know about you, but when I wake up, I don’t crave a big bowl of collard greens or broccoli. It’s rare to see Americans eating vegetables for breakfast, and at lunch it could be as small as a piece of lettuce and tomato on a sandwich, leaving very little room in the day to get that 6-8 servings. It takes a few pounds of vegetables to get a 12-ounce glass of juice – which gives you the whole day’s worth of servings in one glass. Additionally, juicing allows you to get a wide variety of vegetables you would probably not otherwise consume in your diet, giving your body the variety of vitamins and minerals it needs to repair damaged cells, prevent disease, and keep you looking and feeling younger. 2. Drinking juice gives you a ton of energy. When juice is separated from the fiber of fruits and vegetables, it is easier for your body to absorb all the nutrients, giving you an instant boost of energy. Consuming the abundance of live enzymes, vitamins and minerals in juice is like drinking a natural version Red Bull. There’s nothing wrong with a little organic coffee, but my daily habit was eliminated after I started having fresh juice daily. I simply didn’t need it anymore to feel awake and alive. 3. Our soil is depleted. Due to the use of pesticides, genetically modified seeds, and conventional farming practices, several vitamins and minerals have become depleted from our soil. Eating a piece of broccoli now vs. 20 years ago does not yield the same amount of nutrition. It’s crucial that we try to overcompensate this fact by consuming as many whole plant foods as possible. Juicing allows you to get the extra boost you need much more efficiently than trying to chew vegetables all day. When I started drinking carrot juice, my eye lashes immediately started to grow longer within just a couple of weeks. Feeling the extra energy boost is one thing, but seeing the results in the mirror can be quite dramatic and make you a firm believer of the powers of drinking juice. How to Juice Without A Juicer

Below are step by step instructions on how to juice without a juicer: All you need is the vegetables and fruits you want to juice, a fine mesh strainer or nut milk bag, and a high powered blender. (FYI: Here are my recommendations for blenders and juicers in case you are wondering!)

If you know someone who hasn’t tried juicing, but owns a blender – please share this post with them! It could be a life saver.

P.S. If you want more juicing tips and guidance, please check out my Juicing Guide here. It includes everything you need to know plus a full 8 day reset menu, recipes and calendar for you to follow.

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