The colder months always inspire us to warm up with a nice cup of tea and a good book near the fire. Herbal tea drinking is an essential addition to your winter health habits, specifically during a pandemic. Herbal teas carry numerous health benefits especially if they are made with medicinal-grade herbs. A study found one cup of green tea a day can reduce the chances of getting certain types of cancer.
But, did you know that not all teas are created equally? Specifically, the most alarming fact to consider when purchasing tea is that conventional tea leaves are not washed after harvest. Conventional tea growers use high doses of pesticides. The fact is that the very first time tea leaves get washed is when they are steeped in your cup of tea. A major study by Greenpeace found that the pesticide levels in conventional teas are often very unhealthy.
A third-party analysis by Glaucus Research found that 91 percent of Celestial Seasonings tea tested, had pesticide residues. In their research, they found that “77 percent of the teas would fail European Union pesticide import standards, and would be banned from import.” Additionally “62 percent contained traces of endosulfan, a pesticide that has been banned by the U.S., China, the E.U., and 144 other countries because it has been linked to impaired fertility and could harm unborn babies.” Buying certified organic tea is the only way to avoid persistent pesticides that can harm your health.
From an environmental perspective, conventionally grown tea is one of the most devastating crops in Asia. Because it is often grown at higher elevations. The persistent chemicals applied to conventional tea farms not only damage the local ecosystem but run down mountains and contaminate other farms, forests, rivers, and even oceans.
Many conventional tea companies are adding GMO ingredients such as modified corn starch and soy lecithin. You may not even see these ingredients because they hide under the phrase “artificial flavors” or “artificial ingredients.” GMO additives in tea are most likely made with genetically engineered corn and soy. The only way to guarantee you’re not sipping on GMO ingredients is to choose non-GMO project verified and certified organic. Organic does not allow GMO ingredients. Whereas non-GMO only guarantees GMOs were not used. To avoid chemicals, artificial additives, and GMOs choose certified organic teas.
Testing the final product is essential because many of the pesticides used in conventional tea farming contain excess heavy metals, which not only show up in certain finished teas but also wash downstream to contaminate the soil and water elsewhere. You want to purchase a tea that has been tested for heavy metals, molds, GMOs, and pesticides.
Thankfully there are numerous organic tea brands on the market. We’ve partnered with a few organic tea brands that are excellent choices for those looking to get all the health benefits from organic tea without toxic chemicals, GMOs, artificial ingredients, and heavy metals.
We work with brands that ensure not only the safety of the final product but many test the purity, strength, composition, and efficacy. When you choose certified organic teas you’re voting for a healthier cup of tea, a healthier environment and you’re helping these inspiring brands make a healthy impact in our world.