5 Fun Ways To Exercise Outside This Spring · Jenny in Neverland

5 Fun Ways To Exercise Outside This Spring · Jenny in Neverland

ad // We all have a different relationship with sport and exercise. Some prefer exercising indoors, some prefer going to the gym, others like running when it’s cold out. For me personally, I love getting outside and much prefer exercising when it’s a little warmer. Spring is typically a time for new beginnings and fresh starts with hope in the air. It’s also the time of year I feel more motivated and inspired to move my body.

When Winter seems to have lasted forever, Spring is a welcome arrival, with longer days and lighter nights, warmer temperatures and seemingly more time to do the things we want to do – which is really beneficial for our exercise routines!

It’s finally time to get back outside more and embrace the Spring weather and exercise is a great way to do that. You’ll be moving your body and focusing on your physical well-being, as well as getting all the benefits from fresh air, nature and being outside. It’s a win all-around, really!

So in today’s post, we’re going to chat about some fun ways to exercise outside this Spring. If you’re sick of being cooped up indoors, this one is for you. If you’re ready to start a fitness journey but also getting body and mind benefits, then I hope this gives you some inspiration!

Walking can be a really good mood-boosting Spring activity. Depending on where you take your walk, you might see baby animals and new Spring flowers in an array of beautiful colours. And walking is also extremely beneficial to our physical health, heart health and mental health!

There are many ways you can enjoy walking more; listening to music or a podcast, walking with a friend, walking somewhere new, taking your camera with you and turning it into a photography session.

Tennis is a great way to get outside, exercise and spend time with friends all at the same time – so many benefits all rolled into one exercise! I used to play Tennis in school – in fact I was on the Tennis team and we went to Wimbledon as a treat.

If you’re going to head outside to play tennis, then it’s worth ensuring you have the right equipment and clothing to make the game as comfortable as possible. Consider your clothing and get yourself some tennis shoes so you’re light on your feet!

Of course, you knew that I was going to mention Yoga in this post somewhere and whilst I do practice Yoga all year around, during Spring, I do like to take my mat outside and do my practice in the fresh air, among the birds, bees and trees.

I’ve even been known to practice Yoga outside at night, when it’s just about warm enough. Try doing a full-moon practice UNDER the full-moon. It’s pretty spectacular.

If you’re lucky enough to have access to an outdoor swimming pool near you, then that could be a fantastic option to get you exercising outside more during Spring. Swimming is such a great exercise and being in the water can be blissful.

Not only is swimming great for cardiovascular health, it’s also a nice low-impact activity, so very suitable for a range of different people, even those with some types of chronic pain.

Take your regular home workout outside

Similarly to Yoga, if you like to do workouts at home such as HIIT or Pilates, there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from taking your workout outside in the Spring to get the added benefits of being outside.

If you don’t have a garden, head to your local park! As long as it’s safe, there’s no reason why you can’t smash out your HIIT workout in the park – just take your exercise mat with you!

I wrote a post earlier this year about using the seasons for your self-care and I definitely think that sentiment applies here. I think it can be wonderful to work with the seasons and the weather and incorporate them into your daily life more.

And when it comes to exercise, that’s fairly easy to do!

So whatever your sport or exercise of choice, I hope you can get outside some more this Spring and take your workouts into the fresh air.

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