Island Mist Natural Bath & Body

Island Mist Natural Bath & Body and its founder, Johanna Ross, are located on — and inspired by — Block Island, a small piece of paradise twelve miles off the coast of Rhode Island.

Named on Nature Conservancy’s list of “Last Great Places,” Block Island is truly a unique destination that commends itself on preserving its natural beauty, history, and tight-knit community feel. Island Mist Natural always strives to honor that high regard bestowed on its home by respecting the environment and plants the island provides us. Our products utilize the healing properties of various native or locally grown plants and herbs throughout the island.

Johanna is a certified herbalist and aromatherapist who is inspired by the abundant beauty of her home. She started Island Mist Natural to seek out and promote a healthy way of living, providing high-quality skin care products that are natural, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly. As a community-based business, all products are formulated, produced, bottled, and labeled on the island. Johanna’s goal is to bring respect for good health and the environment to her customers, employees, and community.

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