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A Learning Health System Agenda for Organizational Approaches to Enhancing Occupational Well-being

A Learning Health System Agenda for Organizational Approaches to Enhancing Occupational Well-being

The last decade has deepened the understanding of clinicians’ occupational well-being, including having characterized the prevalence of burnout (traditionally defined as...

Shedloads of colour: how a move away from grey buildings could help farmers’ mental health

Shedloads of colour: how a move away from grey buildings could help farmers’ mental health

The modern-day farm is rarely a thing of beauty. While a farmyard in Britain might for many still conjure up a bucolic idyll and freely roaming animals, the reality is often no...

Want to Experience Greater Well-Being? Try a Little Awe

Want to Experience Greater Well-Being? Try a Little Awe

Want to Experience Greater Well-Being? Try a Little Awe Want to Experience Greater Well-Being? Try a Little Awe Finding the extraordinary may be no farther away than your front...

Mental health resources: how universities are supporting students

Mental health resources: how universities are supporting students

Most students relish their time at university, enjoying new freedoms, friendships and interests. However, it’s not uncommon to also experience more difficult moments, such as...

Commercial Weight-Loss Program May Outperform DIY Approach

Commercial Weight-Loss Program May Outperform DIY Approach

A widely available commercial weight-management program led to greater reductions in weight than an unstructured, do-it-yourself (DIY) approach, according to new data published...

Tolerating bad health research: the continuing scandal - Trials

Tolerating bad health research: the continuing scandal - Trials

Tolerating bad health research: the continuing scandal Abstract Background At the 2015 REWARD/EQUATOR conference on research waste, the late Doug Altman revealed that his only...

How self-publishing, social media and algorithms are aiding far-right novelists

How self-publishing, social media and algorithms are aiding far-right novelists

Far-right extremists pose an increasing risk in Australia and around the world. In 2020, ASIO revealed that about 40% of its counter-terrorism work involved the far right. The...

Traffic noise slows children’s memory development, study finds

Traffic noise slows children’s memory development, study finds

Road-traffic noise significantly slows the development of crucial memory and attention skills in primary school children, research has found. The study of almost 2,700 children...

Global heating is cutting sleep across the world, study finds

Global heating is cutting sleep across the world, study finds

Rising temperatures driven by the climate crisis are cutting the sleep of people across the world, the largest study to date has found. Good sleep is critical to health and...

How Children Think About Their Own Well-Being Online

How Children Think About Their Own Well-Being Online

Sometimes, as parents, we can’t help but think that digital devices swallow our children whole, consuming them and shutting us out. Online interactions can be a source of...

Offline: Sustainable development is broken and needs repair

Offline: Sustainable development is broken and needs repair

US President Joe Biden last week hailed the success of a UN General Assembly vote not to recognise Russia's recent appropriation of four regions of Ukraine. He suggested the...

Simon Blake: Why I DO believe in bringing your 'whole self' to work

Simon Blake: Why I DO believe in bringing your 'whole self' to work

He is an inspiring man who talks naturally about the importance of openness and authenticity, and I found myself nodding and smiling along. Given the rest of the article, this...