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Best Natural Ingredients and Oils for Psoriasis

Best Natural Ingredients and Oils for Psoriasis

Medically Reviewed 9 Best Natural Ingredients For Psoriasis The next time you stock up on essential oils at the pharmacy or make a supermarket run, you may come across one or...

Taking a Holistic Look at Well-Being and Health Literacy

Taking a Holistic Look at Well-Being and Health Literacy

Before we begin, let’s get one thing out of the way: “It’s pronounced KASS-A BOY, like ‘cowboy,’” says Dr. Cassoobhoy. Cassoobhoy, 48, is indeed a cowboy of sorts, wrangling...

Flow state: Definition, examples, and how to achieve it

Flow state: Definition, examples, and how to achieve it

A person is in a state of flow when they are totally immersed in a task. When a person is “in flow,” they may not notice time passing, think about why they are doing the task,...

These Toxic Ideas Are Ruining Our Relationships

These Toxic Ideas Are Ruining Our Relationships

They say there’s no such thing as too much of a good thing, but sometimes too much is just…too much. The following beliefs might be beneficial in small-to-moderate doses but can...

The Psychology of Hope

The Psychology of Hope

Hope may be difficult to measure, but one thing is clear: the pandemic has had a significant toll on many people’s sense of hope. Still, what is hope? How does it affect our...

Why People Are Rude and Unkind (It’s Not About You)

Why People Are Rude and Unkind (It’s Not About You)

“How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.” ~Paulo Coelho By nature, I am a happy, optimistic, idealistic person. I have always...

How Bacteria Affect Our Health, Emotions, and Behavior

How Bacteria Affect Our Health, Emotions, and Behavior

How Bacteria Affect Our Health, Emotions, and Behavior If we want to understand ourselves, many of the answers reside in our guts. Key points Living within the human body—and...

How Much Energy Do People Need for Health, Happiness, and Well-Being?

How Much Energy Do People Need for Health, Happiness, and Well-Being?

A new Stanford University study looks at human well-being and per capita energy use, confirming what we have often written in Treehugger: Yes, having lots of energy has made our...

Keeping wellbeing in mind as the world of work continues to change

Keeping wellbeing in mind as the world of work continues to change

With the stress and uncertainty of the past two years, staff wellbeing has quite rightly pushed its way up the agenda. But now that remote or hybrid working is becoming the...

Top Motivational Quotes When Depressed - New All Wellness Guide

Top Motivational Quotes When Depressed - New All Wellness Guide

Depression is a common mental health problem. It affects people of all ages, races, and backgrounds. Depression is a disabling condition that prevents people from functioning...

20 Signs That It Might Be Time to Try Therapy

20 Signs That It Might Be Time to Try Therapy

For many people, deciding to see a therapist for the first time feels like a very big deal. Typically, people wait far, far too long to see a therapist. It's common for people...

Physician Well-Being

Physician Well-Being

Although there is no unifying definition of well-being, most models of well-being include multiple spheres such as physical, emotional, and financial states as well as roles,...